Teaching and Learning

Our plan is to return to in-person classes in a safe manner again this school year.  While in-person learning is our primary goal, we are preparing alternate scenarios for the delivery of instruction, which includes at-home options for students unable to attend. We remain committed to delivering high-quality instruction to our students, in the safest way possible, regardless of the delivery method.

foIn-Person Learning

All students will report to school each day with recommended modifications, preventative measures, and procedures in place.

Students who are ill should focus on recovery and teachers will help them make up work upon their return to school.

Students who are in quarantine and not ill are encouraged to keep up with school work through Schoology and direct communication with their teachers. 


We will be using Schoology (a learning management system) both at school and at home. Schoology will provide one consistent platform that students are familiar with for both in-person and online learning. We have installed webcam and mic systems in each classroom to allow for live streaming, recording of lessons, and virtual participation. 

All students in grades 3-8 will be one-to-one with Chromebooks. Students in grades 4-8 will bring their Chromebooks home nightly to complete homework and to charge them for the next day. Chromebooks, in grade 3, will remain at school unless needed at home for virtual participation in class.

Students will be organized into cohort groups, by homeroom. This will help limit the number of interactions students have each day and will assist in contact tracing should there be an exposure. Interactions with other cohorts will be limited as much as possible. 

 Schedule and General Information

Middle school students will utilize a modified block schedule to minimize large group interactions during passing time in hallways, lockers, etc.  Special classes will still be ran in 45 minute blocks of time. 

We will be minimizing use of lockers in grade 5-8 so students will utilize their backpacks to keep their daily supplies, books, etc. Only bag lunches and coats will be stored in lockers at the beginning of the school year. 

Classrooms have been arranged to allow for 3 feet of space between student work spaces and excess furnishings have been removed.

Teachers will provide explicit instruction to students regarding general hygiene and proper hand-washing procedures. Hand washing as opposed to using hand sanitizer will be encouraged before snack, lunch, and other key times throughout the school day.

 No community supplies. Students will need their own school supplies and a pencil case/bag in which to store them. 



Teaching and Learning FAQ’s


If virtual learning is needed what will the online platform be?

We will be using Schoology for our online platform. Schoology is a learning management system that allows teachers to create and post content, and to interact virtually with students. Schoology offers students many features including options to record responses back to their teacher. We are also planning to provide live (synchronous) and recorded/project-based (asynchronous) opportunities for learning.

If an online platform is needed, will curriculum be provided. If so, will this be uniform school wide?

We utilize the archdiocesan curriculum standards that align with state and national standards. These standards are the framework of our curriculum and will be implemented into both in person and online learning. Our school will be fully standards-based in the 2020-21 school year. More information on standards-based assessment and learning can be found in the parent guidebook.

What software is necessary for families to prepare for online learning? And will each student need a computer simultaneously?

Families will need a reliable internet connection and a device to access Schoology. No special software will be required. Families with multiple children who wish to participate in live stream classes may need multiple devices with webcams and microphones that can run simultaneously (iPads would be a great device for younger students). It is important to remember that all live stream classes will be recorded and posted in Schoology to allow for 24/7 access by the student.

ELEMENTARY - GRADES PK-5: What size will the cohort be?

In grades PK-5 the cohort will be the student’s homeroom class.

ELEMENTARY - GRADES PK-5: Will the students mix with other cohorts during the school day?

Student’s will stay with their homeroom cohort throughout the school day including lunch. Please note that some students may have other cohorts for short periods of time. This could include students receiving extra math or reading support, students who are accelerated in a subject and students receiving speech services. Whenever possible, we will do our best to meet the student’s needs within the homeroom cohort.

ELEMENTARY - GRADES PK-5: Will students have art, gym, music and recess?

Yes. Movement and artistic expression are important components of your child’s education. We are still working on some of the logistics but plans thus far are to have the special teacher come to the cohort classroom whenever possible. Phy Ed classes will take place outdoors as long as weather permits. 

MIDDLE SCHOOL - GRADES 6-8: How does block scheduling help reduce exposure?

Block scheduling reduces the number of contacts that students have with each other during a typical school day. This type of scheduling also reduces the number of times students are in the hallway, moving between classes.

Students in middle school may have more than one cohort due to accelerated class options in math and science.

MIDDLE SCHOOL - GRADES 6-8: Will students still have special classes?

Yes. Special classes have been incorporated into the block schedule.